  • 作者
    林富士 主編 Fu-shih Lin (ed.)
  • 出版者
    中央研究院數位文化中心 Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
  • 出版(發行)日期
  • ISBN
  • 簡介
    「數位人文學」(Digital Humanities )是二十一世紀才出現的名詞,基本上是指數位科技與人文研究的交集之物,算是數位時代眾多的新生兒之一,但是,其成長的速度卻相當驚人。十餘年來,以此為名或與此相關的論文、專書、課程、科系、機構與組織紛紛出籠,數量不斷增長,地域持續擴散。影響所及,已從大學校院蔓延到圖書館、博物館、出版界與傳播媒體。而且,若干國家還以官方或半官方的方式投入經費,主動規劃、徵求、資助、推動相關的研究計畫。即連台灣的科技部人文司(原國家科學委員會人文處)也從2013年起開始啟動「數位人文主題研究計畫」,「數位人文學」儼然已經成為一個新興的學術研究領域。

    "Digital Humanities" is a term that only emerged in the 21st century. One of the many offshoots of the digital era, it basically refers to the intersection of digital technology and humanities research. However, its growth has been astonishingly fast. In a little over ten years, associated papers, monographs, courses, departments, and organizations have ceaselessly popped out, one after another, and its scope continues to expand. Its impact has spread from universities to libraries, museums, media, and the publishing world. Furthermore, many countries have officially or semi-officially invested funding to actively plan, seek, subsidize, and promote related research projects. Even Taiwan's Department of Humanities and Social Science, Ministry of Science and Technology (formerly the National Science Council) launched the "Projects for Digital Humanities" (數位人文主題研究計畫) initiative in 2013. "Digital humanities" has already become an established and rising new field of academic research.